We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow the earth from our
-Native American Proverb
We have been treating the Earth like we don't live on it.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday Finds: Found Myself in Books This Week

I'm at a loss for words this morning. I am computered out. And frankly tired of hearing about our weakening economy. To cope and not worry so much I have lost myself in books.
I am reading The Secret Life of Bees. I started it because the movie will be released soon and I want to try to read the book before the release. I never do that. I mean read books. I read blogs and internet articles but rarely novels.

I am about half way through and it is a great story. It takes place in South Carolina, 1964. The author does a wonderful job of describing the South during a time of Civil Rights upheaval but manages to keep the tone positive and the intertwined stories interesting while using the beautiful imagery of bees.

As if that is not enough I almost finished with The Girl's Guide to Starting Your Own Business. Yes, I am looking into starting a business. The economy is throwing a wrench in it but I am in the research part of starting so I still have some time for the economy to strengthen. I won't tell you what I want to do just yet, some day.

Anyway, this book is awesome. The author's take a bland subject and makes it fun. It addresses serious business with a girlfriend's advice. I love it!

And lastly, I was at the book store yesterday and found this materpiece. I went against all my green morals and bought a new book. I had to have it. I usually go to the book store to get lists of books I like then go home and order them used online. But this book wanted me to take it home.

I haven't started it yet. Actually, it is not a novel. It is a "how to" book. The whole book is hand written, even the copyright page.

Keri Smith, the author, seems to trully be an "color outside of the lines" girl. I am looking forward to exploring this book and exploring my word through different eyes.

How to Be An Explorer of Your World:

p. 5 Keri Smith

1. Always be looking. (Notice the ground beneath your feet.)
2. Consider everything alive and animated.
3. Everything is interesting. Look closer.

It goes on for 10 more. You gotta get the book to read the rest.

Have a green weekend.


Robin Shreeves said...

Yes, it's official. We are twins separated at birth or some other freak of nature thing. Secret Life of Bees is next on my reading list because I want to read it before the movie. I read The Mermaid Chair and I loved it.

Anonymous said...

Secret Life of Bees was an amazing book and I think I'm going to read it again before I see the movie.