Friday, August 29, 2008
Leapin' Lemurs! That was good!
Friday Finds: Vinegar, Sewing
- Wiki How: How to Sew Your Own iPod Carrying Case
- Green and Clean Mom wants you to vote for her
- Eco-brighten your clothes at Green Planet Discovery
- Treehugger posts the funniest way to fight climate change
Be Green.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
What is MSDS Report?
- Great resource! Very informative.
- Of course, I always reference Wikipedia. And they have an international section also.
- Department of Health and Human Services Household Products Database-they might not be as critical as the EWG but it can be a good start.
Be Green.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Help Me W/ Politics Part 2: The Issues
Yesterday I asked for help in choosing a president. Maybe if I reveal to everyone where I stand on the issues surrounding the election I can get more help. Or just make some people really angry, including myself.
Let me start off my saying I am extremely patriotic. I am one of those people that loves my country. I get all choked up hearing the National Anthem at the Olympics. I respect the flag and follow all the proper procedures to take care of it. I get VERY angry when people talk or do not place their hands on their hearts during the National Anthem. We have a flag in our front yard-ALWAYS. I wear red, white and blue on July 4th. This is the best country. Why? We do have freedom. We have options. Many. Don't believe me. The following list of issues proves we have freedom. Without freedom I would not have a choice to which issue I get to vote for, that would be done for me by the government. Yes, I know many other countries are free but I like where I am and wouldn't change that.
Let's start simple, if I can:
1. I want people to be judged by who they are not what they are. This pertains to affirmative action. People should go to universities based on their merit not because they are a minority. I don't understand how getting into a university because you are a minority stands for equality. (1 for Republican stance.)
2. I love nature and strive to save it. (1 for Democrats)
3. I oppose gun control. All that will do is take guns away from law abiding citizens. It will not get it out of the criminal's hands, their guns are illegal anyway. You outlaw guns, all that will happen is more illegal guns will come into the country. (1 for Rep)
4. No universal health care. Honestly, does anyone think that a government run health care system will work? You know eventually the taxes for health care will get diverted to some other fund. And will that health care really be good? People with universal health care in their own countries come to the United States for surgery because we are that good. Doctors come from all over the world to practice medicine here. (1 for rep)
5. Please stop illegal immigration. I am proud to live in California, the salad bowl of the west. I have met people from all over the world here, but they were legally here. I welcome them. I oppose illegal immigration for one main reason-IT'S ILLEGAL. And don't call me a racist, I grew up the only white girl in an all Mexican school and community eating tomales and pan dulce. Don't go there. My maiden name is Gonzalez. (1 for reps)
6. I can care less if gay couples want to get married. Actually I encourage it, and then adopt children, please. (1 for dems)
7. I support lower taxes, I don't know why anyone would oppose that. We get taxes everywhere-paycheck, gas, sales, property. How much more do they want. (1 for rep)
8. I want us out of Iraq and never to war again. (1 for dems)
9. Religion and government. I lean toward democrats just to be fair to every religion. But I oppose taking the name God off of already established entities. Those symbolize our history as a nation. All that seems like is trying to erase the past the way it was. (1 for both)
10. I believe every able bodied person should work instead of being poor or homeless or suck off the government. This sounds harsh, I know. It is a greater gift to enable someone to proudly work hard than to expect a handout. This is a sketchy subject. And hard to argue in writing. I never want to see anyone homeless or poor. But they should be given a job not a check. My father owned a restaurant when I was a child. Homeless would beg from him for money. He never gave them money because he knew they would go get drugs. He would offer them a meal happily if they went out back and picked weeds first (or some other odd job). Some would say no way. My father then knew what they truly wanted. And some would head to the back, pick weeds and have beans, rice, tacos and burritos for dinner that night. Which homeless guy do you think was happier? (1 for rep)
11. The last issue is the touchiest. Abortion. I hate to bring it up but you may think of me as coward. I oppose it. I know, I know. I have a very good friend who is so pro-abortion that she tries every election to sway me. She knows all her facts and argues them like any good democrat would. But my morals get in the way of me saying that it is ok to kill an unborn child. Believe me, I tried to convince myself so many times. I argued in my head things like overpopulation, the fetus is not viable, the child will grow up in a bad environment, the child will be hooked on crank, the children is mentally incapable. The list goes on. My Christian morals cannot change my conscience. I wish I could.
And the last argument: it's a woman's right. I believe a woman has a right over her own body, every organ. But that baby inside her is not just another organ, it is a separate entity with it's own organs. What about its rights to live? And has anyone ever heard of adoption? Or abstinence? I knew a very young girl that used abortion as her birth control. She had 6 abortions by age 15. Couldn't that hurt her eventually? Who is watching out for this young girl to be sure she doesn't harm her body?
I just wish our society wasn't so quick to throw everything away. We talk about recycling a lot here on the green blogs and to respect mother earth. Why don't we respect our bodies as women and make better decisions? Why don't we stop throwing everything away, including humans? I think it is a sad society when it is so easy and so accepted to just think of a human being as something to be thrown away. Why is it that so many people are quick to save the polar bears but can care less about a human unborn child?
I don't want to outlaw abortion completely. I am aware of cases of rape, incest or detriment to the woman's well being. I just wish their were tougher laws or guidelines.
Like I said this is a very touchy subject with almost no sollution. (1 for reps)
Now that some of you hate me or even love me more, I think I lean Republican. YIKES! John McCain scares me! I still don't think I can vote for him. I need a drink.
No more politics. I need to go back to green goodness....
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Help Me w/ Politics Part 1: Presidential Noms
Anyone up for some non-green ranting?
I'm having a hard time and I may piss off some people right now. But I am always open for other people's views and at times I can be swayed.
I don't trust Obama or McCain. I don't trust any politician. I read somewhere that we don't have statesman anymore, they are called politicians now. Winston Churchill said it best, "A politician thinks about the next elections - the statesman thinks about the next generations." Why can't we have statesman? It seems that liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, politicians cannot be trusted. They seem to be in it for themselves, not the people.
In my time, I have witnessed Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush. I was young when Reagan was president but I remember my father just loving him. I also remember thinking that he was a great man for putting a start to the end of the cold war. Bush, not much there, what did he do? Clinton, my impression is that he was a great speaker, good president, liar and cheat. And Bush, oh Bush, do I really need to go there?
Those are the presidents that I've had to endure. Are they great like Washington, Lincoln or Roosevelt? Not really. That depends on your view. Now, I am cutting down our most recent presidents because I have found flaws and I idolize the great ones from the past. They had great policies and made great decisions but were they great men? I heard Washington was a racist. (Sounds blasphemous, doesn't it?) JFK had his share of women. Grant was an alcoholic. But we idolize these presidents. My point is should we care about a president's personal issues if he/she has done well for the country?
So who do I choose? Who do I trust? Obama or McCain? Democrat or Republican? I took a few of those silly tests on the internet that help you figure out which party you lean toward and I am, drum roll, a Libertarian. Who are their presidential noms: Barr/Root. Who the hell is Barr/Root? Why don't they get media time? Oh, they probably don't have enough money for that. Wait, wait, Colbert Report will have Barr on tonight. I will have to catch it.
I don't need to vote for president anyway. The electoral college does that for me. And I live in California, enough said there, Obama will take this state if he is not already chosen by the rest of the country before the time catches up here on the west coast. Poor Hawaii and Alaska, do they really count? So if I am a Democrat great. Republican, that sucks.
Or should I just put my trust issues aside and vote for a party? And then wish for the best.
All this sounds like I don't vote. I do, every time. I have voted for both parties in the past depending on my marital status, financial status, mental status (was I angry with the last party I voted for) and whether I had children. But I can tell you with my Catholic upbringing I lean conservative with the moral decisions. But with my love for nature I lean more liberal. I am so confused!!!! Help!
Tomorrow: Help Me W/ Politics Part 2: The Issues
Jenny The Elephant
Monday, August 25, 2008
Va Va Veev
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Back in the Groove?
My kids have been back to school for just over 3 weeks now and I am just getting back into my normal routine. It took me this long for 3 reasons:
1. I fought it. I had a lot of fun this summer and did not want it to end. I got lazy from having too much fun and it took me 3 weeks to break that habit.
2. I have been busy reconnecting with my mom friends over breakfast and lunch. ( how spoiled I am.)
3. Football and cheer started the same time as school so needless to say we have been BUSY. A very strict schedule dictates our lives Monday through Thursday.
So, hopefully, I can fall back into my usual routine of keeping house, holding my family together, keeping my sanity and looking for the perfect way for a mom to earn money at home. (We all know that last one is nearly impossible without some super dedication and time.) And lastly, BLOGGING. I have missed writing in my blog. I loved to get an inspirational idea, researching it and posting it here. My goal is to get my head back into my blog and catch up with all my favorites.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Friday Finds
- Big Green Purse discusses confused green consumers.
- FYI, I know most of you know this but Earth 911 will help you find a place to recycle pretty much anything.
- Hydrogen peroxide tips at Green Living Tips. (This is an older article but I found it useful and wanted to pass it on.)
- Mother Earth News wants you to have strong bones.
Have a good weekend. Be Green.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
In Rememberance of Sigg
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friday Finds: Water Toys, Green Give Away, Bioplastics
Last week I was gone so I missed Friday Finds. And this week I am posting it later in the day so it doesn't cover up my Waterways post.
- Canada defines "green".
- Safer plastic water toys at Plenty Mag.
- Like gadgets? Here are 10 greener ones.
- Alternative Consumer is having a green school supply give away.
- Where are all the salmon? The National Marine Fisheries Service pesticides are harming them.
- Bioplastic?? What do you think?
Have a great weekend.
Sign Up To Clean Your Waterways
Did you sign up yet to clean your waterways? See details from my post Greener Water.
California: Coastal Cleanup Day
United States and Internationally: Ocean Conservancy
Canada: TD Great Canandian Shore Cleanup
Click here to reduce 1 pound of carbon. Care2
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Job Venting
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Keep Tahoe Rockin'
Wow! It has been a few days since I was here. I hate being away from my blog for too long but I went away to Lake Tahoe to party with friends for a bachelorette weekend. I had so much fun! And I barely even saw the lake. We drank quite a bit, went to see Sammy Hagar rock in concert and hung out at Cabo Wabos until they kicked us out, well closed. I had a blast! It took me until today to finally catch up with reality again. Whoo! Yes, back to dishes, laundry, school, football, cheerleading, cooking and all the fun things mommies do. I was sad to leave Tahoe but so happy to see my family again.
I also need to get back to my green quest. The greenest thing I did this weekend was refill my water bottle. Not that I disrespected the environment or anything like that but green went out the window with the first Caborita I drank. I think the only veggie I had this weekend was french fries and popcorn.
Well, I have to go catch up with my friends' blogs, make some comments and be green.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
What Do You Do With Your Zucchini?
I remember back in June our zucchini looked like this. I was thinking at the time, "will I get any zucchini?" HUH! Will I get any zucchini?! I was flooded with it! Soon the monster plants produced monster zucchini and I was freezing and eating it as much as I could. I steamed, I froze, I ate it raw and gave it away. But it kept coming. I realized I needed to cook it into something. As you all know, and if you don't, I am not fond of cooking. If it wasn't a necessity I wouldn't be doing it. But I can say I am a pretty good cook, when I put my heart into it. Actually I prefer to bake. And that is what I started with...zucchini bread.
If you have a favorite book or recipe you like to use for your garden gifts let me know. Beth, I know you like Putting Food By, I already ordered it. My library didn't carry it so I ordered it used based only on your expert advise.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Neutralize Your Carbon Footprint
You know who you are. You eat out with plastic cups. You drive by yourself when you can carpool. You still use paper napkins. You buy bananas. And you don't even own a bike. You are trying to be green but life just gets in the way. I am here to tell you that you can neutrilize your non-green sins. You can make the world a cleaner place without even getting out of your chair, unless you need to grab your wallet. No, I am not selling anything. I am asking you to plant a tree. Relieved?
So move it! CLICK BELOW. If you can't donate now I will always have the banner located on my sidebar, at least until I get 100 trees planted.

Be Green
Monday, August 4, 2008
Stacks and Stacks
I stock pile and stack everything. The above picture is a small glimpse of ONE stack I need to conquer soon, maybe today. There are bills, books, pamphlets (I need to stop taking pamphlets home) and things in general that need to be filed away. Notice the unused, very lonely sewing machine that some day I will use if I figure out how to thread a bobbin. Notice the basket in the far background. To most people that is junk in that basket but to me it is stuff I may use some day. And being green I can't get rid of it. Remember reuse? There's a copy of Omnivore's Dilemma in there somewhere that I haven't read. There is also a cook book of recipes I want to copy, not done yet. The book is due to the library tomorrow.
Below is my scouting stuff in its unorganized state. Remember the scout financial report? Not done yet! I am a procrastinator to the core. I would rather fool around than work, who doesn't? But I have made it my life's work. When will I ever grow up? Thank God for kids, they make me do my chores like laundry, dishes and meals because they can't live without underwear, clean dishes or food.
So if you don't see me here today it is because I am suppose to be getting stuff done. We'll see...I am having lunch in 2 hours with a friend. Hee hee.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
I rarely post on Sundays but I was just here and realized that I had post scheduled a post and didn't finish it first. Sorry if that post is gone. I need to finish it first.
Be Green.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Friday Finds:
Canadian Geese at Lake Chabot, CA
- TGIF...
- A woman's perspective on Peak Oil from Crunchy Chicken is in the National Post.
- Is it too late for China to clean the air during the Olympics? Treehugger.
- Mother Earth News reminds you to check your make-up at the EWG.
- Vehicle emission acronyms explained at The Green Motorist.
- West Coast governors oppose off-shore drilling.
- Are e-textbooks green?
- Mother Earth News helps you choose a food dehydrator.
Be Green.